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- poulet polyclonal
Réactivité: Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus - Human herpesvirus 8
application: Western blot, ELISA
Western blot using Rockland's IgY fraction of anti-L1/ORF2 antibody shows detection of induced bacterially expressed human ORF2 (left lane). No specific band staining is seen in the uninduced lane (right lane). The lower molecular weight bands represent non-specific staining. The band at ~70 kDa corresponds to a human L1/ORF2 EN domain fusion protein (arrowhead). Personal communication, D. Symer, NCI, Bethesda, MD.
quantité: 100 ug
Prix: 329.00 USD
fournisseur - poulet polyclonal
Réactivité: Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus - Human herpesvirus 8
application: Western blot
Envoyez-moi un e-mail lorsque de nouvelles informations sur les gènes suivants sont disponibles: ORF2
information sur le gène - Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus - Human herpesvirus 8 ORF2
- synonyme:dihydrofolate reductase
- description:dihydrofolate reductase
do you know?
- we limit the listing of re-branded antibodies in order to provide our visitors with accurate information and the best experience
- we manually curate antibody information from literature in order to obtain a comprehensive set of well-validated antibodies.
type de produit
- ORF2 anticorps
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